

Tour of the week

Boundary Breakers Holy Land Tour

Led by John Drake of Boundary Breakers Ltd
Tuesday 18th - Friday 28th February 2025

We have a hope for the future based on true events in the past that changes everything about the present. At the heart of those true events are the birth, life, sacrificial death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus.

All of these are recorded in the eyewitness accounts of the gospel writers for us to read. But they truly come to life today when we read them as we stand and pray at the places they describe. This visit is offered as a unique once-in-a lifetime opportunity to deepen your love for Him. Reading the Bible for yourself, or teaching it in your church, will never feel the same afterwards, and we warmly invite you to join us.

- Rev Canon Dr Richard James MA MB BChir

We will be a diverse group seeking to:
1. Learn more about the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Connect with, appreciate more and learn from the “living Stones” ministering in the Land today including, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Israeli Jewish followers of Jesus and Palestinian Christians.
3. Appreciate the cultural, social, and political context in which Jesus the Messiah birthed his mission.
4. Return home more informed and better equipped to serve our communities.

This will be a fast moving 11 days 10 nights programme visiting Jerusalem including ,The Western Wall, King David’s Tomb, House of the Last Supper, Gethsemane, Calvary/Holy Sepulchre, the Pool of Bethesda, the site of the Resurrection and so much more. The OLD City of Jerusalem revered and fought over and prized for over 3000 years will not disappoint.

We will also visit the birth place of Jesus and the Cave of Jerome in Bethlehem.

We will gaze over the world’s oldest city in the Plains of Jericho from the foot of the Mount of Temptation before travelling on to the baptismal site of Jesus.

We then continue to the home of the Dead Sea scrolls at Qumran. There will even be an opportunity to float on the Dead Sea if desired.

In Nazareth we will visit not only the magnificent church of the Annunciation but the early home of Joseph’s family and the synagogue from which Jesus was ejected.

We will step into ancient Capernaum, where Jesus healed and preached and then sail on Galilee where the apostles fished.

This programme is not only designed to inform but also to challenge much of our thinking.

- John Drake


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“Just a note to report that the trip to Jordan went very well. We all arrived home safely yesterday morning.

The group gelled together well and we all thoroughly enjoyed the itinerary and magnificent scenery. Everyone was surprised to realise how much Bible history had taken place there.”

David Ronco

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